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Sunday 6-23-2024 Guest Speaker Niel Vilches has the following two videos.
(Facebook Live Streams)
1-21-2024 John 12:27-28 It’s Time to Face the Wrath
1-14-2024 John 12:25-26 It’s Time to Die
1-7-2024 John 12:23-24 It’s Time for Glory!
12-31-2023 Intentional Ezra
12-24-2023 Hebrews 2:1-15 Christmas is for the Children of God!
12-17-2023 John 12:20-24 Savior for the Nations!
12-10-2023 John 12:9-19 Joy to the World!
12-3-2023 Psalm 121 Our Help Comes from the Lord
11-26-2023 John 12:1-8 The Burial Ceremony
11-19-2023 John 11:54-57 So Near, and Yet, So Far
11-12-2023 John 11:35-57 The Master of Death
11-5-2023 John 11:28-35 He Is All We Need!
10-29-2023 2 Timothy 3 Are You Prepared?
10-22-2023 John 11:25-27 Do You Believe This?
10-15-2023 John 11:13-26 Facing the Last Enemy Pt. 3
10-8-2023 John 11:5-13 Facing the Last Enemy Pt. 2
9-24-2023 Phil. 3:10 The Power of the Resurrection
9-17-2023 John 11:1-16 Facing the Last Enemy
9-10-2023 John 10:30-42 The Plain Answer
9-03-2023 John 10:27-30 The Sheep Who Never Die
8-27-2023 Psalm 27
8-20-2023 John 10:25-27 Dead or Alive?
8-13-2023 John 10:20-27 Talking to the Deaf
8-6-2023 John 10:19 The Division
7-30-2023 John 10:17-18 The Wonderful Plan
7-23-2023 John 10:16 Those Other Sheep
7-16-2023 John 10:14-15 The God Who Knows Me
7-9-2023 John 10:11-13 The Sheep of the Shepherd
7-2-2023 John 10:6-11 The Good Shepherd
6-25-2023 John 10:1-5 The True Shepherd
6-18-2023 John 9:16-41 None So Blind as He Who Will Not See
6-11-2023 John 9:8-16 What Happened to this Guy?
6-4-2023 John 9:1-7 Making Hay While the Sun Shines
5-28-2023 John 8:44-59 Is and Was and Is to Come
5-21-2023 John 8:31-44 Agreeing on the Direction
05-14-2023 John 8:25-30 The Incredible Patience of God
05-07-2023 John 8:13-24 The Light Shines in the Darkness
04-30-2023 Caleb Williams Elder Installation
04-23-2023 John 8:12 Wake Up! The Light Is Shining!
04-16-2023 John 8:1-11 I Don’t Condemn You Either
04-09-2023 Resurrection Service
04-09-2023 Son Rise Service
04-02-2023 Mathew 21:1-11 Setting the Stage
03-19-2023 Shari Boley(Pregnancy Help Clinic)/Psalm 18 God to the Rescue!
03-12-2023 Gary Childers(Reach the Forgotten)/Baptisms/Psalm 13 How Long?
03-05-2023 Lloyd Williams – Family Impact Center
02-26-2023 John 7:40-52 Who Is Jesus Christ?
02-19-2023 John 7:37-39 Downpayment on Heaven
02-12-2023 John 7:31-36 Time is Short
02-05-2023 John 7: 30-32 Who’s in Trouble Now?
01-29-2023 God’s Work & Perspective on Marriage
01-22-2023 Missionary Brandon Buser
01-15-2023 John 7:17-29 Demonic Thinking
01-08-2023 John 7:8-18 It’s Time to Go
01-01-2023 John 7:3-7 It Depends on Your Point of View
12-25-2022 Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s Magnificent God
12-18-2022 John 7:1-2 Time for a Celebration
12-11-2022 John 6:51-71 Will You Walk Away?
12-4-2022 John 6:41-51 Don’t Just Look – Eat!
11-27-2022 John 6:35-40 Will You Eat?
11-20-2022 John 6:22-35 Are You Still Hungry?
11-13-2022 John 6:14-21 Into the Storm!
11-6-2022 John 6:1-14 Are You Hungry?
10-30-2022 Importance of Being Transformed
10-23-2022 John 5: 30-47 Call the Witnesses
10-16-2022 John 5:25-29 The Man Who Was Equal with God (Part 3)
10-9-2022 John 5:18-24 The Man Who Was Equal with God (Part 2)
10-2-2022 John 5:9-18 The Man Who Was Equal with God
9-25-2022 John 5:1-9a No Help From Man
9-18-2022 John 4:43-54 At That Hour
9-11-2022 John 4:27-42 At That Moment…
9-4-2022 John 4:17-29 Filling the Vacuum
8-28-2022 Pt.1 &
Pt. 2 John 4:1-17 Appointment From God
8-21-2022 John 3:22-36 The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
8-14-2022 John 3:17-21 The Choice
8-7-2022 John 3:14-16 What Christians Believe
7-31-2022 Commission, Enablement, and Contemplation
7-24-2022 John 3:1-15 But This Guy is Different
7-17-2022 John 2:12-25 To Believe or Not to Believe
7-10-2022 John 2:1-11 Rescued From Shame
7-3-2022 John 1:35-51 Calling All Ordinary People
6-26-2022 John 1:29-34 Promise Fulfilled!
6-19-2022 John 1:19-27 Government Investigation
6-12-2022 John 1:15-18 The Witness and the Explanation
6-5-2022 John 1:4-13 The Light Shines!
5-29-2022 God Rules in Tragedy
5-22-2022 John 1:1-3, 14 God the Communicator
5-15-2022 Romans 16:1-27 Paul’s Brotherly Affection
5-8-2022 Romans 15:19b-33 The Perfect Plan
5-1-2022 Romans 15:17-18 God Is at Work!
4-24-2022 Romans 15:8-16 At Your Service
4-17-2022 Matthew 28:1-10 The Proofs in the Resurrection
4-17-2022 Son Rise Service
4-10-2022 Matthew 21:1-11 The King Has Come
4-3-2022 Romans 14:19-15:7 Don’t Please Yourself
3-27-2022 Mission Month Week 4 The Sin of Silence
3-20-2022 Mission Month Week 3 Mobilizing the Youth
3-13-2022 Mission Month Week 2 Buser’s Yembi Video
3-6-2022 Mission Month Week 1 Phil. 1:1-6; 4:15-16 Join the Team
2-27-2022 Romans 14:13-18 Building Instead of Destroying
2-20-2022 Romans 14:1-12 Who Is Welcome?
2-13-2022 Romans 13:11-14 What Time Is It?
2-6-2022 Romans 13:8-10 How To Obey God
1-30-2022 The Spirit Enables An Impossible Life
1-23-2022 Romans 13:1-7 The Christian’s Attitude Toward Government
1-16-2022 Romans 12:17-21 The Overcomers
1-9-2022 Romans 12:15-16 Thinking Like a Christian
1-2-2022 Romans 12:14 How Do You React?
12-26-2021 Christmas The Promise
12-24-2021 Christmas Eve
12-19-2021 Romans 12:13 The Family
12-12-2021 Romans 12:12 The Great Focus
12-5-2021 Romans 12:11-12 The Great Privilege
11-28-2021 Romans 12:9-10 Love Without a Mask
11-21-2021 1 Corinthians 1:18 Message of the Cross
11-14-2021 Romans 12:6-8 Let’s Use Our Gifts
11-7-2021 Romans 12:3-5 A Sensible Appraisal
10-31-2021 Romans 12 A Living Sacrifice!
10-24-2021 Romans 12:1-2 The Appeal (Pt. 2)
10-17-2021 Romans 12:1-2 The Appeal (Pt. 1)
10-10-2021 Romans 11:33-36 It’s ALL From God!
10-3-2021 Romans 11:33 The Depth!
9-26-2021 Romans 11:25-32 Is God Done with Israel? (Part 3)
9-19-2021 Romans 11:11-24 Is God Done with Israel? (Part 2)
9-12-2021 Romans 11:1-10 Is God Done with Israel? (Part 1)
9-5-2021 Romans 10:14-21 The Remedy
8-29-21 Review of Romans 10:1-13
8-22-2021 Romans 10:1-13 The Tragedy of Israel
8-15-2021 Romans 9:14-33 What Is God Like?
8-8-2021 Romans 9:6-13 Kept on Course
8-1-2021 Romans 9:1-5 A Look at Paul’s Heart
7-25-2021 Romans 8:35-39 I Am
7-18-21 Romans 8:33-34 No Indictment
7-11-2021 Romans 8:31-32 What’s Your Conclusion?
7-4-2021 Freedom
In Christ
6-27-2021 Romans 8:29-30 Already Glorified
6-20-21 Romans 8:28-29 Conformed to the Image of His Son
6-13-2021 Romans 8:28 (part 3) Still Loving God
6-6-2021 Romans 8:28 (Pt. 2) Made Better
5-30-2021 Revelation by Chad Huber
5-23-21 Ephesians 6 Be Strong in the Lord
5-16-2021 Romans 8:28 This Is Good For You
5-9-2021 Romans 8:26-27 Help for Our Weakness
5-2-2021 Romans 8:24-25 Waiting for This Hope
4-25-2021 Romans 8:19-23 Waiting for the Glory
4-18-2021 Romans 8:17-18 Look at the Other Side
4-11-2021 Romans 8:15-17 Heirs of God
4-4-2021 Luke 24:1-12 Eyewitness Testimony
4-4-2021 Son Rise Service (Paul’s Letter to Titus)
4-2-2021 Luke 23:44-46 Into the Darkness
3-28-2021 Romans 8:14-17 Led by the Spirit
3-21-2021 Romans 8:12-13 Live by Logic
3-14-2021 Romans 8:9-11 Dead and Alive – Temporarily
3-7-2021 Romans 8:5-8 The Great Contrast
2-28-2021 Romans 8:1-4 No Condemnation
2-21-2021Romans 7:12-25 God’s Diagnostic Tool
2-14-2021 Romans 7:6-11Paul Isn’t Alive, He’s Dead!
2-7-2021 Romans 7:1-5 A Whole New Marriage
1-31-2021 Taking Romans on the Road
1-24-2021 Psalm 23 Well Cared For
1-17-2021 Romans 6:20-23 Be What You Are
1-10-2021 Romans 6:18-19 A Most Reasonable Command
1-3-2021 Romans 6:17 This is a Christian
12-27-2020 Romans 6:15-16 Who Do You Obey?
12-24-2020 Angel on Assignment
12-20-2020 Promise Fulfilled
12-13-2020 Romans 6:12-14 (Pt. 2) You’re in the Army Now!
12-6-2020 Romans 6:12-14 Put Your Foot Down